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Please find below some interesting articles to help you with your financial future.

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The Sample Practice Team.

What the marshmallow test means for patient investors

Delayed gratification, patience and successfully investing for retirement are indelibly linked. Our superannuation system, for instance, is based on spending less today so we can spend more in retirement. It's as straightforward as that.

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Tiny Houses

It’s easy to understand why we look for the largest, most prestigious properties we can afford – we are constantly urged to define our success by our possessions: bigger, better, newer, faster, shinier. A relatively recent counter-movement, however, urges lower impact, fewer goods and less consumption, and at its core nestles the tiny house.

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Disaster proof your finances

So you've carefully filed all your important documents but how can you protect them from being destroyed if the worst happens to your home or business?

Follow these tips to help you disaster proof your important documents and financial records.

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6 important reasons why camping is good for you

Did you know that a whole range of wonderful health benefits result from camping? From physical and mental aids to those that are tailor made for children, these benefits ensure there’s even more reason why you should spend a night under the stars.

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