Welcome to our latest update

Please find below some financial and lifestyle articles we thought may be of interest.

If you would like to discuss issues raised on this publication, please contact us on (02) 9999 9999 or email sample@mypractice.com.au 


The Sample Practice Team.

There's no one-size-fits-all retirement income

An adequate retirement income is - like beauty - all in the eyes of the beholder. The Australian superannuation system has for the past 20 years been concentrated more on the value of the account balance at the time of retirement - the 'how much is enough' question.

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Money health check

The money health check will tell you if your finances need attention, could be better or are under control.

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Important tips for purchasing a used caravan

It’s important to know what to look for when buying a second-hand caravan. Here is a handy and comprehensive checklist to guide you along the right path.

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